Category: Medical

Nasal Contouring SurgeryNasal Contouring Surgery

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Moving the nasal bones usually requires an osteotomy or cut in the nasal bones using a special osteotome or bone cutting device. When osteotomy is performed, patients usually will experience black and blue discoloration around their eyes and this may last for several weeks. Because of the extensive undermining of tissues with all types of rhinoplasty procedures, the blood supply of the skin can be compromised. For this reason these procedures are usually not performed in smokers. Occasionally, surgery on the nasal dorsum involves adding tissue and this can be the patient’s own tissue or some type of artificial material. Another aspect of rhinoplasty surgery involves whether the nasal bones, fractured or manipulated.

Oftentimes, rhinoplasty procedures are categorized as either open or closed. An open rhinoplasty procedure involves an incision across the columella which is the thin strip of skin that extends from the tip of your nose to your upper lip. This small incision allows complete exposure of the nasal tip cartilages for suturing and shaping the nasal tip. The tip cartilages can be manipulated to some degree without an open approach and this is called a closed rhinoplasty because the incisions are all hidden within the nostrils. It is important for you to discuss what options may be most beneficial to you with your plastic surgeon based upon your anatomy as well as your goals and expectations.

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Preparing For RhinoplastyPreparing For Rhinoplasty

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The plastic surgeon will perform specific measurements and may utilize photographs to determine what aspects of rhinoplasty surgery may be most beneficial for you. The ideal candidate for rhinoplasty surgery is a patient who has realistic expectations and the actual nasal defect is proportional to the patient’s perception of the defect. Oftentimes, patients may come into the office requesting rhinoplasty surgery when in reality a major component of their nasal appearance is related to a disproportion of some adjacent facial structures. These patients may benefit from additional facial cosmetic surgery and it is not uncommon for the plastic surgeon to discuss how the adjacent facial structures may or may not be affected by rhinoplasty surgery. Occasionally, a plastic surgeon may discuss the pros and cons of a chin implant or other facial contouring procedures as these procedures do have an affect on the appearance of the nose in relation to the entire face.

The actual “full” recovery period from rhinoplasty or cosmetic surgery of the nose is at least a year and this involves a gradual softening and resolution of edema. A significant amount of the recovery occurs within 2-3 months but it will take the external scar a year to soften/mature and the internal tissues undergo similar softening. Immediately following rhinoplasty, the nose will have a very swollen. Other long term potential complications are related to each patient’s own tissues and these tissues are dependent on that particular patient’s genetic makeup.

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What Is Rhinoplasty Surgery?What Is Rhinoplasty Surgery?

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Rhinoplasty is a term that’s used to refer to any type of surgical procedure that changes the shape or function of the noise. Many people who wonder what is rhinoplasty surgery may be wondering what this procedure entails.

Rhinoplasty can be done for a variety of reasons. Medical reasons are common for people who have difficulty breathing through their nose. It can also be used to correct any disfigurement that’s caused by a birth defect or trauma.

This procedure may also be done for cosmetic reasons. People who have noses that are large or misshapen in some way may choose to have this procedure done.

Meeting with a Surgeon

Before having this procedure done, it’s important to meet with a surgeon to discuss the surgery. A cosmetic and reconstructive surgeon will have to perform a thorough evaluation of the nose in addition to other facial features. After an evaluation, the surgeon will discuss what changes a person wants to make and if those surgical corrections are possible.

The surgeon will also consider a person’s overall health. Some people may be at higher risk for complications and these factors will be discussed at a consultation. Expect to receive information about the risks of surgery, recovery time, and the cost of having rhinoplasty performed.

The consultation will also involve an explanation of the technique used for reshaping the nose. The nose is a fairly complex organ that’s comprised of bone and cartilage. A rhinoplasty can modify cartilage, bone, skin, or all of these features. Review the procedure that will be performed before deciding on this surgical intervention.

What to Expect

Everyone who undergoes a rhinoplasty will be given anesthesia. In some cases, a surgeon will use local anesthesia with sedation. This will have a sedating effect although people are usually slightly awake during the procedure. General anesthesia is a deeper sleep and will be given through an IV line or by inhalation. It will affect the entire body and will cause complete unconsciousness.

Since a rhinoplasty is individualized for each person, there is not one series of steps. Each operation is unique and customized for a person’s anatomy and goals. The surgical procedure may be done inside the nose or the surgeon may make an external incision at the bottom of the nose.

Depending on the structural changes, the surgeon may augment the nasal bone or cartilage in a variety of ways. If the surgeon needs to add additional material to the structure of the hose, they may use cartilage from other parts of the nose or even cartilage taken from the ear. For larger areas, a surgeon may take cartilage from a rib or use implants.

Understanding Rhinoplasty Surgery

This overview provides a general idea of what rhinoplasty surgery involves and why a person may choose to have this surgery. As with any medical procedure, it’s important to discuss the surgery with a doctor thoroughly beforehand. Rhinoplasty is not a one-size-fits-all approach and will need to be tailored to each person’s anatomy and their goals of surgery.

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